Vulnhub Pluck 1 Walk Through

This article is walk through for Pluck1 boot2root machine.

Can be download from vulnhub:,178/

As a shortcut, exploit knowledge I use in this machine: 
Shell escape
SUID exploit

Let's start

First as always, find the address by netdiscover or arp-scan
-r is for 'range' option

Information Gathering

After found address, use nmap to scan which port is open, we got 22, 80, 3306

First start with http, we see a page and with some option on the top

When I browse the About option, it shows some file with URL page=about.php
It means it could be LFI if it don't have sanitize input

So next I try to put page=../../../../../etc/passwd 
Got passwd file and on the bottom line there is an interesting user name backup with a script file

Use LFI again to see what's inside this file

content is 
we can get in via tftp and in file /backup.tar, it zip /home and /var/www/html folder's file

So we need to find out this file by accessing with tftp and download the file 

After download, in /home/paul/keys/ there are several id_key files

So what's mean here, it is ssh key, we can use the key file to access machine without password

And id_key4 works, command is ssh -i id_key4 paul@

After getin, instead of a terminal, we see a limited function here:

This is not good for our further exploit, so we need to escape this shell

Here there are two ways to escape, one is through Edit file (vi)

Another one, lynx shell escape can be found here:
enter the following in WWW option


So we have normal shell here!

Before we start Privilege Escalation, is always a good idea to make sure we have fully functional shell, there are many options

bash works in this case

Now we have a functional shell for we to do next step!

Privilege Escalation

After some trial, I found a SUID bit set program:

exploit URL:

I know it's wired to say even though version is not match but it still works.....

 This is the script file, store on /tmp, which is world writable, 
and remember the permission need to set to 777

Exploit, and finally become root :)

Thanks for watching!!



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