Vulnhub Lazysysadmin walk through

This is writeup for Vulnhub machine: Lazysysadmin

Machine can be download from here:,205/

Target IP is

Next, run nmap scan:

Found port 22, 80, 139, 445, 3306, 6667

I start with http scan

Found wordpress and phpmyadmin, looks really interesting! Try to dig more with wpsccan and see the site:

There is "My name is togie", this looks interesting, maybe the system's username or something else

Run wpscan:

Try some default credentials on wordpress login, but not work...

After I cannot dig anything, I try to turn into samba service:

Next, try to access the server with smbclient:

Great! We can access without any password.

And we have file name deets.txt, open on browser and got:

Try again on wordpress, but not work.

Next file is default password file wp-config.php

After get the file, open it and see the password:

So login with this credential to phpmyadmin, get a database system:

After some further digging, I am not able to get reverse shell, so I decide to try different port, SSH

Surprisingly, is easy to login with togie/12345 

What a shame I didn't notice that.

After get in ssh, start browsing files, but.....

Found restricted shell, use python pty to escape the shell.

Finally, I found I can sudo su and become root

After all, it is a really great box, sometimes you need to think outside the box and try harder lol.




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